On March 4, 2010, Who Dat? Inc. (“WDI”) filed a lawsuit against the NFL, the New Orleans Saints, the Louisiana Secretary of State and the State of Louisiana. See Who Dat?, Inc. v. NFL Properties, LLC et al, Case No. 10-cv-00154 (M. D. La. March 4, 2010). A copy of the complaint can be downloaded here (or here). Other press coverage here, here and here.
Courthousenews provides an excellent summary of the pertinent allegations of the 60 page, 189 paragraph, 16 count action complaint (which includes pictures) which tells quite a story about the two men who created the “Who Dat” fight song for the New Orleans Saints back in 1983 and began the dream of creating a name that would make them millions . . . and how the dream became a “nightmare.” But the following paragraph near the beginning of the complaint summarizes the crux of the dispute:
Who Dat?, Inc. developed and nurtured “WHO DAT” for over twenty-five years and was uniquely positioned to reap substantial financial rewards in connection with the 2009-2010 National Football League season. On the eve of that success, NFLP and the Saints filed public documents falsely claiming ownership and first use of the phrase. As anyone would have anticipated, the public voiced outrage and State of Louisiana officials publically challenged the claims made by the NFLP and Saints. Since those entities were not the first users of the phrase and had no standing to make the claims made, they publically conceded that they did not own the phrase. With that concession in hand, state officials declared victory and further declared that the phrase belongs to the people as it is in the public domain. As a natural consequence of these actions, Who Dat?, Inc. was not able to obtain the financial fruits of its labor.
WDI had several other intent-to-use trademark applications pending, but each went abandoned for lack of any Statement of Use, including two applications for clothing (here and here) and two applications for potato chips (here and here) – all filed on the basis of intent-to-use and all went abandoned after no Statement of Use was filed. One additional use-in-commerce application for bumper stickers went abandoned after failing to respond to an office action.
More recently, WDI filed another use-in-commerce application for WHO DAT on January 7, 2010, covering musical sound recordings and various clothing items (claiming date of first use going back to October 1983). Unfortunately, WDI’s application to register the mark for its clothing goods will inevitably be suspended pending the outcome of two earlier filed applications for WHO DAT (currently allowed and awaiting a Statement of Use from the applicant and WHO DAT' JE CROIS.
One has to wonder why WDI did not follow through with its federal trademark registrations for clothing if, as stated in the complaint, it was licensing the mark to third parties for use in connection with shirts and other products. It certainly recognized the importance of seeking federal registrations – as evidenced by its prior applications. And while it’s not clear how WDI may have sold its goods throughout the years, it currently sells its goods through the website – whodatstuff.com – a domain name registered on August 13, 2009.
The situation serves as lesson that a trademark is only as good as its ability to serve as a unique source identifier for a particular source of goods or services. Just because you come up with a unique phrase does not mean that you have any exclusive rights to the term to the extent you are not actually using it in a manner that would be recognized as a source identifier in connection with particular goods and services. As for WDI, it's one thing to talk about having created a unique term or phrase – its quite another to have the evidence to show that it has always served as a unique identifier for WDI's goods and services. We shall see.
1 comment:
so, in a nutshell, what is your stance on this? Are their current Cease and Desist orders valid? They let the apps lapse, thereby abandoning them, correct? How are they getting FB pages inactivated, convincing FB to not allow members to use Who Dat in their names, etc? Is there really a case here?
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